"Instantly Deny or Terminate Access to Copies of Your Digital
Products That Have Been Pirated,
Illegally Distributed, Refunded, or Are
Out Of Date! Integrates Seamlessly in
Seconds With ANY Type Of Digital Product
Or Payment Processor!"
"The Built-In Most Advanced PDF Locker
Allows You to Disable Copy, Save or
Save As Functions Of a PDF Reader So No One Can Copy and Paste
Your PDF Content or simply Save As Your Locked PDF File to Another
File Then Share it With Others!"
"I can't
explain the feeling of knowing that 'freebie' seekers can no longer get
away with 'stealing' your products..."
Hi Dale,
I just wanted to let you know that your Clicklocker
software is awesome.
I just had someone request a refund immediately after
purchase. It definitely looked like a freebie attempt.
Thanks to Clicklocker all I had to do was delete the
account and the software was disabled.
I can't explain the feeling of knowing that "freebie"
seekers can no longer get away with "stealing" your
Thank you for creating Clicklocker.
Maurice Smith
http://www.amazinglettertemplates.com |
When: Wednesday 11:43PM
From: Dale Woodland
Dear Internet
At last, you can terminate illegally distributed copies of your
products from a simple web-based interface and revoke access to your
product if someone asks for a refund.
It doesn't matter what format your digital product is in (EXE, PDF, JPEG or any other format),
or what payment processor you use (ClickBank,
Paypal, 2CheckOut, or even your own merchant account), I've developed a
little system you can integrate seamlessly in a matter of seconds with
absolutely no programming experience!
But before I tell you more, let me put things in perspective...
A few months ago, when I released my other hit product WebLock Pro, I
was a little angry.
You see, I'd been driving hordes of traffic to my site, and not getting
as many sales as I had wanted to.
I figured there was only one thing that could have been happening:
People must have been distributing copies of my program to their
friends and co-workers. Even worse, what if someone started selling or
giving it away illegally on their web site? Even this horror came true,
see below...
Just to prove it to myself, I installed a little "tracking device" in
WebLock Pro, and I let the sales roll for a few more days.

Amazing! New sales is the
number of new people that should be running the program that
and New users is the number that actually did! People were giving away
my program!
(New users based on advanced IP-tracking technology)
I was astonished. There were hundreds of people out there running my
program who hadn't paid for it. I determined that on average, each and
every person who bought WebLock Pro gave it to at least one or two
other people (most likely friends and family).
People had even started selling and giving away my product on their web
sites illegally!
To say the least, there were MORE illegally distributed copies out
there than legit ones.
And then, the refund pirates started to show up as well. People would
ask for refunds claiming that they "were not satisfied," ensuring me
that they would "delete the program," but sure enough, my little
tracking device showed that almost all of these people continued to use
WebLock Pro!
"Only the most naïve internet marketer could
possibly believe his or her products weren't being pirated..."
My heart sank as I realized how much money was being lost. I realized
the sad truth for digital product retailers of all kinds (e-books,
software, etc.): Although a whole lot more customers are honest than
dishonest, it's the few bad apples that cause the majority of problems.
Then, my thoughts began to wander. What if I could find a way to make each copy of my software can be
only installed and run on one single
machine and also what
if I could terminate all refunded
copies from remote?
How many new sales would I get the next day to people who needed my
product but had tried to get it for free first?
My pulse began to race as I envisioned my next check from bank...richer
and denser with sales and with fewer refunds...what
if everyone who wanted my product actually paid for it?
I decided that I needed more than a tracking device...I needed a complete digital product
security system...so I made one!
And before you read the description and get all skeptical on me, let me
answer the most frequently asked question: Yes! It really does work,
and you can implement it into your
site in a matter of seconds!
"This will
literally save me thousands of dollars in pirated products..."
Dale, I love your WebLock
Pro software and when you released ClickLocker, I was ecstatic.
This will literally save me thousands of dollars in pirated products.
The fact that it is all automatic, and I don't have to manually issue
the passwords for a thousand product sales, is a time saver that is a
must for me. Thank you.
Bob Silber
ClickLocker lets you track every single license for
your digital products and terminate any one you choose with a single
click, all from a simple web-based interface!
You have a product that you sell on the Internet. Perhaps it's an
e-book, or maybe its a piece of software. As long as it's downloadable,
people can give it away.
To tell you the honest truth (sorry to burst your bubble), it really
doesn't matter how well you protect your "download page!" The real
theft starts occurring when people start downloading your product
legitimately, and then giving it away to their friends and family.
Let's cut right to the chase. You need a solution that lets you do ALL
of the following (integrating seamlessly with your existing setup, of
- One license
code only unlocks the software on one machine - After a
license code is used to unlock your product on a machine no one else
can use it again. In this case people will not be able to pass your
software along with the license code to their friends and family since
that license code simply will not unlock the product on any other
- Disable
the access to your program when someone asks for a refund -
One of the biggest problems with digital product delivery is that if
someone asks for a refund, they still have access to your product. NOT
ANY MORE! With ClickLocker, you can instantly disable someone's access
to your product if they ask for a refund.
- Charge
a monthly fee for your product - Would you like to charge a monthly
fee for your product? You can set your licenses to expire after a
certain number of days, and require payment to renew them. If the
payment isn't made, your product will simply stop running!
- Integrates
seamlessly in minutes with your web page - ClickLocker will take no
more than 10 minutes to integrate with your web page. It requires NO
scripting, NO programming experience, and NO learning curve. I've set
up the tools so you just click and go.
- Ties
in directly with ANY payment processor - ClickLocker is capable of
automatically interfacing with any payment processor (ClicKBank,
PayPal, 2CheckOut, iBill, and all others), to automatically generate
licenses immediately after a sale for customers!
- Automatically
collects identification info - Immediately after a sale, the
purchaser's name and email is recorded and matched with a license
number, so that you can contact them if there is any need to suspend
the license! License codes are also automatically generated and emailed
to your customers!
lock ANY software or e-book - Simply download our one-click locking
tool and you'll be able to add our tracking and locking system to ANY
already-existing file (EXE, PDF, etc). You won't have to worry about
any programming. Instantly, you'll be able to track the usage of that
file, require a valid license code before it can be run, and disable
specific copies if you discover they're pirated!
- Is
INCREDIBLY easy to use - Just click a few buttons and you're in
business. And just to make double-sure that you get everything up and
running properly, we give you a detailed step-by-step walkthrough the
second you sign up. We'll also offer you email support at any time that
you need it.
another day without ClickLocker is like giving away free money. You
place a value on your product, and whatever that is, everyone that gets
it for free is essentially getting that amount of CASH from your pocket!
Fortunately, now you'll be able to put a complete and total end to this
with just one system capable of deactivating licenses after they're
given from remote. It's no wonder ClickLocker is taking the internet
marketing world by storm!
"A true
state-of-the-art system that ALL online marketers must have..."
Hi Dale,
ClickLocker is truly the PREMIER digital security system on the
Internet! Nothing compares to ClickLocker and it has made ALL of the
so-called 'download page protector' products and systems obselete!
ClickLocker has leveled the playing field and killed two birds with one
stone in the downloadable digital products industry... in essence
forcing ALL software pirates and refund scam theft artists to legally
purchase a digital product and even more importantly eliminating
software piracy and refund theft! A true state-of-the-art system that
ALL online marketers must have in order to secure the profits of their
digital products! Keep up the good work!
Robert Key
http://www.paypal-generator.com |
how exactly does ClickLocker work?
I know you're curious as to exactly how the ClickLocker system works,
so let me give you a tour...
- As
soon as you sign up to be a ClickLocker Member, you'll be presented
with a detailed tour that will walk you through everything explained
here and more in complete detail.
- You
will be given a program that will lock ANY existing file (software or
e-books, EXE, PDF, etc.) to require a valid ClickLocker license before
running. You will then distribute the locked version.
- Next,
you will configure your web site to redirect successful purchasers to a
special coded URL on ClickLocker.com that we give you.
- Immediately
after purchase, customers will be asked for their name and email
address and then automatically provided with a "license code" that they
can use to unlock their product.
- Customers
who purchase and download your program will be required to enter a
valid license code before accessing the software or e-book (you locked
the file earlier). They will only have to enter this once.
- You
can log in and check the usage statistics for all of your products'
licenses (you can have unlimited products and licenses with one
- If
at any time a
customer asks for a refund, you can immediately de-activate that copy
of the program from remote with a single click!
- You'll
have everything set up within 10 minutes...GUARANTEED! Free setup is
included for all members if you need help!
you can see, with its simplicity and power ClickLocker will
revolutionize the way you deal with online sales!
ClickLocker.com Demo!
So, you want to see exactly what it's like from a customer's point of
view to purchase and download a product protected by ClickLocker?
Sign up for the ClickLocker.com Security Newsletter and
instantly get access to the 100% free ClickLocker demo! Also receive
free information on the latest webmaster security issues. Just sign up
Your email address will never be given to anyone. You will be
able to unsubscribe at any time.
"I do think
ClickLocker has the potential to change the rules of
I do think ClickLocker has the potential to change the rules of
e-Marketing - because it provides the buyer of digital goods with a
risk-free experience and the seller doesn't lose control of the
transaction, because he/she can simply wait for the license to expire.
It is not necessary anymore for the transaction to occur at the time
download takes place. The buyer will pay for the privilege of having
his/her licence extended.
And from the point of view of the buyer, the likelihood of a scam is
virtually eliminated!
Armando B. Silva
http://Profits.cc |
Asked Questions
Q: Does it really work? How can I
de-activate copies of my software and e-books from remote?
A: Yes! It really works! You'll run a special
"locking" program on your software and e-books that will ensure that
they can't be opened without first validating their license code with
our server. As soon as you de-activate a license through our panel, the
product will stop running.
Q: What if someone bought my product, got
an unlock code, and unlocked my product on his/her computer. Then
they gave the my product and the unlock code to their friends.
How does ClickLocker prevent this?
A: Simple! ClickLocker actually prevents
other people from unlocking the product. When a license code is used to
unlock your program on a machine no one else can use it again. In
this case people will not be able to pass your software along with the
license code to their friends and family since that license code simply
will not work on any other machines.
Q: What if the user is offline or
cannot access the license servers? Does that mean the program won't run?
A: The program will need to validate with the
license servers the first time it is run. After that, if the user is
offline or can't access the ClickLocker servers, the product will still
run. If you de-activate the product for that user, the next time the
user is online and runs the program it will be de-activated. Once the
program has been de-activated, even if the user is offline or can't
access the servers, the product is still not accessable.
Q: I can see that I'll be able to
set things up pretty easily, but how about my customers? How easy will
it be for them to install and run my program once it's locked?
A: It will be extremely easy. Customers will
simply see one small box requesting a license code before your program
runs (you can see exactly how this works in the demo above). Once the
number is entered once, it will be saved and will never have to be
entered again (unless, of course, you de-activate it, in which case a
new number would be requested).
"If anybody
selling digital products has any sense they will jump on the
'clicklocker' bandwagon as soon as they can..."
Just a quick note to tell you how wondeful 'clickerlocker' is and what
a difference it is going to make to lessen the pilfering of digital
products. I have been using a slightly more complicated way of securing
my digital products after I discovered they were being 'stolen' about
six months ago. Since I discovered Clicklocket that process is so much
simpler now for both me and my customers AND if a refund is requested,
it is a simple matter to give back their money and disable the product.
If anybody selling digital products has any sense they will jump on the
'clicklocker' bandwagon as soon as they can and sleep at night with
peace of mind. They can offer a full money back guarantee and disable
products after a product refund has been granted and monitor usage of
their products all from the admin panel of 'clicklocker'.
Congratulations on a brilliant product.
Best wishes,
Terry Jones
http://www.easyebooks.com |
Q: What happens if I sell
"ClickLocked" products and then I cancel my monthly membership fee?
A: If you cancel your monthly membership fee, all
locked versions of your product out there will simply become unlocked.
After all, the monthly fee is for a locking service. If you decide to
cancel, your products will no longer be locked. If someone has a
pirated or refunded copy of your product on his or her hard drive, they
will simply be able to run it again. It will just be like you never had
ClickLocker in the first place!
Q: How many products can I lock
with one ClickLocker account?
A: You can lock as many as you want (unlimited)
with just one account!
Q: Does ClickLocker really work
with ANY digital product and payment processor?
A: Yes! You'll be able to lock ANY exe file to
make it require a ClicKLocker license to run. Even if the file you want
to lock is not an EXE, ClickLocker can still lock it (however, the file
will need to have the extension .EXE after it's locked)! You'll also be
able to configure ClickLocker to integrate directly with ANY payment
processor. All you have to do is be able to direct a customer to a
certain page after the purchase.
Q: What platforms/operating
systems does ClickLocker work on?
A: Currently, ClickLocker only works on PC's
running Microsoft Windows. If you'd like to see a version that works
with any other platforms or operating systems, drop me a note at dale@ranklocator.com and I'll
what I can do!
Don't depend on any product security system unless it...
1. One license code unlocks the software on one single machine only
- After a license code is used to unlock your product on a
machine, no one else can use it again. In this case people will not be
able to pass your software along with the license code to their friends
and family since that license code simply will not unlock the product on
any other machines.
2. Disables the access to
your program when someone asks for a refund - One of the biggest
problems with digital product delivery is that if someone asks for a
refund, they still have access to your product. NOT ANY MORE! With
ClickLocker, you can instantly disable someone's access to your product
if they ask for a refund.
3. Works with ALL types of digital products
and payment
processors - It's crucial that the system you invest in not only
works with e-Books in the EXE form, but with ANY already existing file!
It also needs to be 100% compatible with ALL payment processors. Only
then will you know that the system you're using is sufficient enough to
protect your online profits.
4. Is used by the author himself - I use ClickLocker
myself, on my own products. Because of this, it's not just a side
project of mine, it matters a lot to me and I do everything I can to
make it absolutely PERFECT. You can count on the fact that ClickLocker
will exceed your wildest expectations.
5. It must instantly integrate with your current system
- Who wants to install scripts, learn programming, re-compile ebooks,
or do any extra work at all to protect their products? The solution you
choose should be a one-click procedure. Simply lock your product and
update one small link on your web site and that's it! It seems almost
unreal that something so powerful could be so simple to set up, but
that's because I've done all the hard work for you!
6. It must be FULLY automated - You shouldn't have
to spend time generating and giving out registration keys! ClickLocker
is completely automatic! Once you set up your account by directing
succesful purchasers to the right link, ClickLocker will automatically
handle everything from the generation and distribution of registration
codes to the addition of the user in the database!
7. It must be secure - ClickLocker is the only
protection scheme of its kind that is both easy to use and provides the
industrial-strength security you deserve. ClickLocker does not save
unprotected copies of your product in the TEMP folder, and implements
various other counter-measures against hackers (which I can't mention
here for security reasons).
If you find
that you aren't 100% in LOVE with ClickLocker at any time within 30
days, I'll DEMAND that you receive a refund!
I personally know that ClickLocker is the most complete, most secure
solution out there and that it will cut the theft of your products down
to zero. But if at any time within 30 days you aren't 100% THRILLED
with ClickLocker, I'll absolutely demand that you receive a refund
immediately! I guarantee it! |
ClickLocker Today 100% Risk Free Before More People Pirate Your Product!
Every day more and more people give your product away to their friends
and family. Spreading virally, virtually untraceable, this could mean
$1,000's in lost sales.
For a limited time, ClickLocker will be available for only $24.95
per month, payable via Credit Card. You'll be able to
secure an unlimited number of products for that one incredibly low
price! ClickLocker has been amazingly successful so far, and I do plan
to raise the price some time in the near future. But if you sign up
today, you can lock in that price of $24.95/month for as long as you
use ClickLocker.com
If your product costs $24.95 or more and you sell only one copy per
month...that already covers the cost of ClickLocker!
I know you don't make decisions regarding your business lightly. That's
why I've set this up so you don't have to decide now. Sign up
today 100% RISK FREE and explore the system. See how easy it is
to implement it into your existing web page and new products. If
you aren't more than satisfied with the service ClickLocker.com
provides for you, I'll refund 100% of your money, no questions asked,
any time within 30 days. But I can't imagine why you'd want to
sacrifice the security of your product!
TREMENDOUS $79 VALUE): Get a FREE e-book compiler! All
orders of ClickLocker come with a feature-packed e-book compiler that
you'll be able to use to turn any set of HTML files, images, and
content into a single EXE package with a single click! You can then
with another simple little one-step tool I wrote lock your e-book in no
time! You won't need anything else to get your e-book business going!
You can't lose! Sign up today, risk-free, and take the
control you have over your product to the next level! You'll be able to
secure an unlimited number of web sites and products with just one
account! Secure yourself an account at the incredible rate of $24.95
per month today! You can pay online via Credit Card!
Dale Woodland
Owner, ClickLocker.com
Website Traffic LLC
2105 Vista Oeste NW, Suite E #2010 Albuquerque, NM 87120
Hours of operation: 24x7, Contact: info@clicklocker.com, 888-202-4035.
Copyright (C) 2000-2025 ClickLocker.com. All rights reserved.